자료 123건, 12/13 페이지
2021년도 발행
- 논문제목
- The bioleaching assessment for nuclear power plant-soil contaminated with Co and Cs using A.Thiooxidans sp
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2021, 104791
- 논문제목
- Competitive adsorption of pharmaceuticals in lake water and wastewater effluent by pristine and NaOH-activated biochars from spent coffee wastes: Contribution of hydrophobic and p-p interactions
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Environmental Pollution, Volume 270, 1 February 2021, 116244
- 논문제목
- Experimental studies on hydration-strength-durability of limestonecement-calcined Hwangtoh clay ternary composite
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Construction and Building Materials, Volume 269, 1 February 2021, 121290
- 논문제목
- Macro-meso-micro experimental studies of calcined clay limestone cement (LC3) paste subjected to elevated temperature
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 116, February 2021, 103871
- 논문제목
- Controlling soil disturbance of a lunar regolith simulant bed during depressurization in a vacuum chamber
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 1878
- 논문제목
- Imaging strategies to interpret 3-D noisy audio-magnetotelluric data acquired in Gyeongju, South Korea: data processing and inversion
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Geophysical Journal International, Volume 225, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 744–758
- 논문제목
- Selective Recovery of Copper from Industrial Sludge by Integrated Sulfuric Leaching and Electrodeposition
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Metals 2021, 11(1), 22
- 논문제목
- Real-time biomonitoring of oxygen uptake rate and biochemical oxygen demand using a novel optical biogas respirometric system
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 277, 1 January 2021, 111467
- 논문제목
- A review on self-sustainable microbial electrolysis cells for electro-biohydrogen production via coupling with carbon-neutral renewable energy technologies
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Bioresource Technology, Volume 320, Part B, January 2021, 124363
2020년도 발행
- 논문제목
- Charge characteristics (surface charge vs. zeta potential) of membrane surfaces to assess the salt rejection behavior of nanofiltration membranes
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, Volume 247, 15 September 2020, 117026