자료 123건, 2/13 페이지
2022년도 발행
- 논문제목
- Strength of Partially Encased Steel-Concrete Composite Column for Modular Building Structures
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Materials, 2022, 15(17), 6045
- 논문제목
- Evaluation of blasting vibration with center-cut methods for tunnel excavation
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, Volume 30, Number 5, September10 2022 , pages 423-435
- 논문제목
- Effects of two-step cleaning sequences on foulant extraction from multibore ultrafiltration membranes in a pilot-scale membrane filtration system for surface water treatment
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- CHEMOSPHERE, Volume 297, June 2022, 134164
- 논문제목
- CO2 and Cost-Based Optimum Design of Sustainable Metakaolin-Modified Concrete
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- 논문제목
- Multi-Channel Recovery for Distributed Quality Management of Synchrophasor Data
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, May 2022, 2384-2396
- 논문제목
- CO2-Optimal Design of Fly Ash Marine Concrete with Global Warming and Stress Types
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, 119(3), 91-102
- 논문제목
- Thermodynamic behavior and spectroscopic properties of CO and C3H8 mixed gas hydrates: Implications for hydrate-based gas separation
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 428, 15 January 2022, 132076
- 논문제목
- Unveiling the positive effect of mineral induced natural organic matter (NOM) on catalyst properties and catalytic dechlorination performance: An experiment and DFT study
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- WATER RESEARCH, Volume 222, 15 August 2022, 118871
- 논문제목
- NaOH-assisted H2O2 treatment as a novel post-modification strategy to enhance adsorption capacity of residual coffee waste biochars toward radioactive strontium: Experimental and theoretical studies
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Journal of Hazardous Materials ,Volume 435, 5 August 2022, 129081
- 논문제목
- Strengthening the performance of limestone-calcined clay cement (LC3) using nano silica
- 학술대회명 및 저널정보
- Construction and Building Materials, Volume 340, 18 July 2022, 127723